Daily Blog Post, Day 7 (Wednesday, July 1)

This cartoon is telling us something about the nature of life.  What do you think it is?  Do you think it’s message is true or correct?  Is it optimistic or pessimistic?  Do you want to be that chicken?

Post your thoughts in the comments below.

As always:

  • Be Specific,
  • Be Detailed,
  • Be Concrete,
  • Use complete sentences, and
  • Use standard grammar, but
  • Be yourself.

29 thoughts on “Daily Blog Post, Day 7 (Wednesday, July 1)

  1. I believe that the cartoon depicts human nature at a point in which we are unable to choose between stability and instability. Yet I understand that scenario perfectly. There have been multiple times at my current age that I host this debate heavily in the crevices of my mind. To be frank I always choose stability hands down. Why, you may ask?
    Because its what has been carved into my head numerous times from past experiences and lessons. However there are moments in which I flip over the card and grow curious at stabilities mere opposite, risk. Just as any person such as myself would, I crave to take a risk. You have not the slightest clue on how I yearn to quit my job, grab all my savings, fill my suitcase to the brim with my stuff, and board the first plane to Ireland. It’s quite tempting to leave and never look back, just me, myself, and I. The best part would be that I wouldn’t tell anyone either. Just leave no questions asked. I want to go to Ireland to do some soul searching, and travel by myself for the first time.
    If I could I would, but I know that what I want is is not what I need. What I want is to be someone who makes a difference in this world. What I need to b is what they need want me to be. Taking a risk would loosing everything that I have everything that I have ever known which is why I must remain stable.


  2. well i have to say that this cartoon is actually telling us that no matter if you take risk in life or stability their are different opsticals if you choose to succeed or not in life we all die the same.
    so this makes the message in the cartoon true. i would say this cartoon isn’t pessimistic because we expect only bad outcomes , or joyless. it has to be optimistic because everybody usually expect a favorable outcome.


  3. Its telling us at the end of the day which ever path that we choose we are going to end up in the grave. So if were going to go out either way you might as well take the most interesting and fulfilling life possible. I also believe the picture is true and optimistic because it is telling you to live your life to the fullest while your still able to get out of your comfort zone.


  4. This cartoon is telling us that no matter what we do we’re all going to die in the end. In a sense it’s true, but the paths we choose to follow in life aren’t as simplistic as branching path, there are many more choices. This is definitely pessimistic, it’s basically saying that the choices we make don’t matter because we’re all going to die in the end.


  5. This cartoon relates to life and its many choices. One has the choose their own path and what ever path they choose will eventually lead to death. A person can live an adventurous life or a life of boredom it will eventually lead to death because everyone dies. so I say live everyday to the fullest because you only live once.


  6. The above statement is telling us there is basically two paths we can take in life. You can choose comfort and stability and be so bored. Or take a risk and have adventure and you can have the ability to change your life when you want. It is neither optimistic or pessimistic, depending on how you look at it. You just have to be yourself on which way you want to go. Do I want to be that chicken, we all are that chicken. Choosing which way to go, but also knowing on that path you can change direction at any time. Which also makes life so much better.


  7. I think this cartoon is correct for both ways whether you choose to risk it or not. Even if you choose not to risk it, there will always be obstacles in your way. Everything you will do at the end it will lead to the same thing for everyone.


  8. This cartoon is telling us the way of how we live our everyday life. I think its true because this how we live in our lives. Its optimistic. And Yes I would be that chicken because this is how we all live in our lives making good/bad decisions on what we do and making sure that our future we make depends on you.


  9. The cartoon is some of flow chart that is telling us either if we want to be stable or take on the risk, but no mater what we choose it seems to lead to the same thing at the end, which results as death. If you choose to live your life is stability, according to the cartoon, you will leave in comfort and potential boredom, but is you choose to take the risk on things, you will live life with adventure along with the potential to change your life around. So which one would you rather choose? Taking the risk or live life comfortable with boredom, regardless you’re still going to end up dying, so might as well do something you like.


  10. The cartoon is optimistic because its saying you can live a boring life or an adventurous life. But in the end either way you are going die so live your life. I think the chicken is a representation of us we have the same options in life.


  11. What I think the cartoon is telling us about life that whatever we choose to settle with or do, we will die no matter what. Hey, that’s the hurtful truth; but if we decide to live a life filled with adrenaline rushes, out of ordinary things others wouldn’t consider “the norm” that will cause us to die faster as some would say. This is most definitely true to a certain aspect, when we are stable and in our comfort zone it doesn’t always lead to boredom yet we will get bored but it is what we make of it. So we basically choose whether or not to be bored with our situation if we live for adventure and thrill or for stability and comfort.. I couldn’t tell you if this is optimistic or pessimistic, because that would be nearly biased, it’s your own thought on the process, so who’s opinion should matter anyways? Well I think we are all that chicken because we have the choice each living day to be content and comfortable, or to go on and live for that rush life gives you for any adventure you embark. To be quite honest, I’d rather live for adventure and die doing extravagant things, I’ve lived content and comfortable nearly all my life so it’s time to change & go beyond even what I consider “the norm”. Everyone is weird, everyone is mad, we all aren’t perfect and that’s what makes us all humans with every flaw and every mistake that could occur.. so live how you want to because who knows if you’ll get a second shot at redemption. Will you really feel you could be reincarnated to fulfill what you could not in life?? That’s the bigger question…..


  12. This cartoon is telling us that life is a two way street, but no matter how you twist and turn it, death will always be the end result. This message is true in a way because you are the controller of your life. You get to choose how you want to live whether it is negative or positive, it is completely up to you. At one point, we all have to exit this world. I would say this cartoon is neutral because we have a choice of how we want to live. I would not want to be that chicken who has to choose a way of life and be threatened which life path was chosen. I would like to live my life with good judgment and optimism and I shouldn’t have the cause to look back/regret upon my decisions.


  13. I think this post is telling us that with in each of our lives we die and create new life so the cycle continues over and over again. It also is telling us that no matter what path we take we will all end up dying. I think this post is optimistic because it doesn’t just say that we all have one specific path it says that we can choose different. I do think that the message of this image is correct we all have our own path and we all will die no matter what path we take but we also will create new life so we will live on regardless. I think the last question is pointless to ask because we are the chicken whether we want to be or not. We all have to make our own choices and we decide what path we go down whether it’d be adventurous or boring, but regardless of the path we choose we all will end up creating new life or dying or both.


  14. All skeletons look the same. Unless your skeleton has bullet holes or broken bones or was buried in an unmarked grave. But it does seem to say there is uncertainty in life and you can spend your life flip flopping or sticking to one. But you still die. That’s about it. It’s rather pessimistic or more so realistic. The use of the chicken seems to be saying that you’re chicken for not choosing risks, but it is a site called Savage Chicken so they probably just like drawing chickens.


  15. I believe this cartoon is somewhat true. There’s always several paths that a person can choose from. But not all are truly rewarding.


  16. The cartoon is indeed telling us something about the nature of life. I personally think that it is trying to tell us that at some point in our life we will reach that time that requires us to decide our life paths. You either go for the safe path within your comfort zone or brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and go for the risk path with high risk high reward. Going with the safe path you are guaranteed to be a success but low risk low reward and you are not going to improved much career-wise. As for the risky path, you are not going to success nor fail immediately. You will face challenging tasks ahead for sure but if you are ready to face them and win over them then you are going to be a success. However, IF you fail, it still doesn’t matter you have something ahead waiting for you, just get up and keep going. You are going for the risky path so you know that it is 50/50 chance. In my own opinion I think that the cartoon is somehow true from what I have experienced or seen and it is sort of optimistic. No one wants to be a chicken.


  17. What this cartoon is telling us about the way of natural life is that we have are own choose of the types of adventures we chose to go on. This message is true because it shows the different ways of a person emotions when they make a decision in their life. I would not want to be the chicken because it seems like the decision he would have to make will determine whether he lives or dies, but don’t all decisions have one of those conclusions at the end.


  18. I think that the message of this cartoon is that whatever you do in life we all are going to die eventually. I think that the message is true BUT! (there’s always a but…) I feel that some people misinterpret this message a lot and use it as an excuse to do whatever they want and make all the mistakes they want. This message can be either pessimistic or optimistic, it all depends on the persons beliefs and morals. Would I want to be that chicken? Well I believe we’re all that chicken at some point in our lives. When this comes up in our lives I think it’s when we’re figuring out who we are, what we want to do or become.


  19. I believed that the cartoon is in some way true, because you have the opportunity of find your own adventure and take the risk that you think are necessary for complete your goal or adventure, but also you need to choose the right way to complete your goal.
    the cartoon is optimistic, and not in all I want to be the chicken.


  20. The cartoon obviously is an analogy of life. By nature, our life is as the depicting cartoon because there’s two paths in life; or you take the risks in going with the “potential of adventure” path, or you decide to go to using the other path, which is safest, but does not guarantee an adventure. I think it’s a true analogy because many of us have been in the same situation and we start to hesitate deciding where to go. I’d rather not like to be in the chickens’ shoes,


  21. This cartoon is telling us something about the nature of life. What do you think it is? Do you think it’s message is true or correct? Is it optimistic or pessimistic? Do you want to be that chicken?

    Post your thoughts in the comments below.

    As always:
    The nature of life is a circle! What this cartoon is telling me that life is a challenge.
    Be Detailed, Life can be a circular, it can pertain a large amount of knowledge. And that’s wend the challenges began. It can make you optimistic at times if you keep your focus. I wouldn’t mind being that chicken because I made up my mind that I’ll take the RISK taker. That means ADVENTURE, POTENTIAL FOR CHANGE will equal DEATH. Be yourself!


  22. The chicken adventure sketch is showing us a farther away picture of life’s nature. Its showing us that life’s experiences can be chosen to be fun or boring. For everyone’s own choice live it with positive and happy or negative and stubborn. Lets just also say half and half also.
    In the end of life’s nature of living is where no one can escape death because we were not made eternal, but we were made to leave a piece of us in peoples memory. I agree with its message but many factors are also to be considered. I do not want to be that chicken I want to be unique me myself and I.


  23. This questions life, cause life can be boring. You go to school, or work everyday. Since your adventure runs out constantly. You wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for work/school, eat lunch/have break, start work/school again, go home eat dinner. Then repeat. This is mostly every bodies life.


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