Daily Blog Post, Day 16 (Thursday, July 16)

Let’s pretend that we’ve gotten a message here in S-305 from a civilization on Alpha Centauri B b, which is only 4.3 light years away.  This means that this message was sent 4.3 years ago, and our reply will take 4.3 years to arrive.

What should we say?  Why should we say that?

23 thoughts on “Daily Blog Post, Day 16 (Thursday, July 16)

  1. If I received a message from another planet I would ask who is this that sent the message and then ask them about there planet. I would tell them a little about our plant but not to much because I’ve watched to many movies and I’m not sure if they would be some crazy aliens.


  2. I would probably say something along the lines of how are you alive when your planet is so inhospitable? Why have you decided to contact us? Do you want to be friends? I would tell them how scientifically advanced we are and ask how far they are. Instead of sending a message alone I would probably send a crew of humans along with them, even though they might die on the planets surface.


  3. it all depends on what the message says when we open it?
    I don’t know what to write them back
    what if we write them something and in 4.3 years later they forgot what we wrote them and why.


  4. I would say bro, this was message was 4.3 years late. You guys couldn’t figure away to sent these letters in a faster way. But its whatever, so how has your 4.3 years been? Mine has been great If you are wondering. Well this wont get to you for a few years.

    Much Love, Shawn


  5. What this message should say is that the temperature of the planet is very important, and give information about the future of the earth and the things that can happened. And why is because they want to prevent bad things and the destruction.


  6. In the event that all these messages and occurrences did take place, I would reply to the message sent to us detailing our new recent discoveries as far as technology, but I’d also ask questions like how was it even made possible for them to contact us and if they have some unordinary knowledge or if they discovered some unseen concept that would by any chance be of use for humans.


  7. Hello friendly life! I’m here on behalf of the human race to say hello. We received Your message and we are curious to know how do you guys survive in a world with such temperature? Please let us know since we are interested! Thanks


  8. what we should say is hello im friendly from earth, . why we should because to know the aliens or life forms to know that we come in peace. I guess.


  9. We should send our message saying that we sorry that we have reply to your message late because are timeline is 4.3 years apart. Sorry we took so long but we are very interested and amazed that their are another civilization in the universe. We should say this to them because if we took to long to reply back they might feel disrespected and think we are not interested in them. That’s why we should say sorry.


  10. How are you guys still living if its not habitable. Do you have advanced technology cause you seem to be living there still. Are you dead did you get wiped out? Can you come out and meet us………… or would you be to scared to meet us what do you look like….. why did you contact us did you want to take over our planet is your dying can we be kind to each other? Are your intents peaceful or to take over the earth?
    Some Friendly Earthling


  11. I would say nothing and send them pictures of what we are all doing and where we are all at on planet earth. And then, launch the message back to them and wait for another 4.3 years to be received


  12. I think the message says that the earth is and we are asking for help because the slowly dies because they do not care!!!! .


  13. I would make a time capsule of todays world problems, modern technology, and asking for the same from them. Just to have the bigger picture from their world.


  14. I probably wouldn’t reply, due to the fact that if the planet is non-habitable, then the beings living on that planet must have been wiped out. I highly doubt, one being or creature, would survive, unless the planet is at war. Also I wouldn’t want to contact the planet because, I don’t want what ever contacted me to find our planet, especially if their intentions are not so good.


  15. What should we say? How’s everything on S-305 from civilization Alpha Centauri B I hope that everything going well with the project. And the team working well together, it we be a long time out their so let get the job done. Be at Peace!

    Why should we say that? This is a concern message to my team Alpha Centauri B project (b) which is only 4.3 light years away from home which is earth. This means that this message will take 4.3 years to get their. Come home safe and there will be a coming home celebration party!


  16. I would ask how the life is out there. Honestly, I would ask hundreds of questions at once because I know I’ll receive hundreds of responses. If I was to ask only a few questions, it’s not worth the long wait.


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